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Global Leader of Robot Industry

Human, Robot, Better Future, Robotics Industry Promotion Agency Leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Efficiently and systematically carry out projects to promote the robot industry
We will develop policies related to the intelligent robot industry.

Event video

2022 Daegu Global Robot Business Forum Ends and Photos2022-11-29 11:20:14

The 2022 Daegu Global Robot Business Forum, which was held from November 15 to November 18, 2022, ended successfully.
Under the theme of "New Chance, Frontier Expansion," we would like to express our deep gratitude to 28 global robot clusters in 23 countries and 1375 attendees at home and abroad.
Thanks to your interest and encouragement, we were able to successfully finish this forum.
Please show a lot of interest and love for the 2023 Daegu Global Robot Business Forum next year.
Please check the link below for the picture.
Thank you.

Photo link: https://works.do/xgAMs8S