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Global Leader of Robot Industry

Human, Robot, Better Future, Robotics Industry Promotion Agency Leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Efficiently and systematically carry out projects to promote the robot industry
We will develop policies related to the intelligent robot industry.


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Chapter 1. General Provisions

Article 1 (Title)

The official title of the organization is Global Robot Cluster (GRC).

Article 2 (Purpose)

The federation of robotics Cluster Supporting the development and business of robotics technology.

Article 3 (Location)

The secretariat of GRC is located in Daegu, South Korea and is able to open new branch after the decision of the board of directors.

Article 4 (Project)

The organization operates the projects below to accomplish the purpose of article 2.

  • Exchange information with other corporations within cluster for development and cooperation
  • Collaboration with other corporations within cluster
  • Enhance partnership for technology development, win-win cooperation and mutual interchange
  • Collaborative exchange of technology, human resource, capital and market within cluster
  • Other projects coincide with the purpose of GRC

Chapter 2. Membership

Article 5 (Qualification of Membership)

The organization is the robot related enterprise-focused cluster which consists of countries or region that agree with the purpose of this organization. GRC doesn’t have limit of country or region and types of members are like below.

  • ① General member is a enterprise-focused robot industry cluster in national or regional level which is approved by the board of directors
  • ② Associate member is the person who is expected to contribute to the development of the organization and nominated by other members and approved by the board of directors
Article 6 (Withdrawal and Expulsion of Membership)
  • The member has free will to join and withdraw the organization
  • When the general member hopes to withdraw the organization, member must notify to the secretariat of the GRC before the withdrawal and the president must report to the board of directors
  • When the member damages the reputation and honor of the organization, it is possible to expel the member by the decision of the board of directors

Chapter 3. Executive

Article 7 (Executive)

The executive of GRC is like below

  • President, 1
  • Vice president, maximum 5
  • The board of directors, maximum 10
Article 8 (Term of Executive)
  • The term of executive is 3 years and is able to serve consecutive terms
  • The president is elected at the general meeting
  • The vice president and the board of directors is nominated by the president elected at the general meeting
Article 9 (Duty of Executive)
  • The president represents the organization and directs projects
  • The vice president assists the president and act for the president in case of absence
  • The directors attend the board of directors, decide matters related to the projects and operate task empowered by the board of directors or the president

Chapter 4. General Meeting

Article 10 (General Meeting)
  • The general meeting is divided into a regular general meeting and a temporary general meeting, and the president shall serve as the general meeting’s chairman.
Article 11 (Matters for Resolution of the General Meeting)

The general meeting shall decide on the following matters

  • Approval and modification of the organization’s articles of association
  • Approval of budget and settlement of accounts
  • Matters concerning the election and dismissal of executives
  • Other matters decided as important by the board of directors
Article 12 (Quorum for Decision)
  • 1 of 3 of member must be attended to open a general meeting. However, member who is not able to attend delegate a representative, letter or network to the meeting, it is considered as attendance
  • Decision making is operated under majority rule. When the votes equally decided, the chairman has the casting vote
  • Each members have one vote
  • The members are able to indicate one’s intentions by letter or network
Article 13 (Extraordinary General Meeting)

Extraordinary general meeting holds in this case below. Decision making is operated in same way with General meeting

Chapter 5. Board of directors

Article 14 (Establishment of Board of Directors)
  • The board of directors is established as legislative body
  • The board of directors consists of president, vice president and director
  • The board of directors divided as a regular board of directors and a temporary board of directors
Article 15 (Function of the Board of Directors)
  • Matter about operation
  • Matter about approval of project and the project report
  • Matter about entry and expulsion of members
  • Matter empowered at the general meeting
  • Matter belongs to the authority according to the Articles

Chapter 6. Account

Article 16 (Funds)
  • Expense needed to run the GRC is funded by the membership fee, donation, subsidy and etc. Further details are decided by the board of directors.
Article 17 (Levy and Imposition of Membership Fee)

A procedure of levy and imposition are decided by the board of directors

Article 18 (Fiscal Year)

Fiscal year of GRC is from January 1st to December 31st.

Chapter 7. Organization

Article 19 (Organization)
  • Organizations below are able to be open for better operation of GRC
    • Secretariat : The secretariat is permanent organization located in Daegu, South Korea. Secretariat consists of secretary-general and employee. Secretary-general is nominated by the suggestion of the president and approved by the board of directors
    • Branch : Branch is able to be open if it is necessary after the approval of board of directors
    • Various research group and exchange meeting : Secretariat and branch have an authority to operate various research group and exchange meeting
  • Detailed provision of previous clause is able to be decided by the board of directors

Chapter 8. supplementary rules

Article 20 (Establishment of Provision)

Provision needed for GRC operation, which is not specified in the Articles, is able to be established after vote of the board of directors.

Article 21 (Revision of Provision)

At least two-thirds of the board of directors and half of the members must agree with revision to revise the provision

Supplementary Provisions

Article 1 (Enforcement Date)

This Articles is enforced from the day it is decided at the inaugural assembly